Chet Reneson (1934 - )
Born: Colchester, Connecticut
Past Member: Connecticut Watercolor Society, Old Lyme Art Association
Chet Reneson attended the University of Hartford Art School in Connecticut and graduated in 1960. Following art school, Reneson worked commercially for a number of years before selling his first painting in 1966. Reneson’s paintings have displayed on the covers of "Sporting Classics," "North Carolina Wildlife", "Gray’s Sporting Journal," and "Sports Afield" among others.
In 1982 Chet Reneson was rewarded with the distinction of being named Artist of the year by three sporting and conservation organizations: Trout Unlimited, Ducks Unlimited and the Atlantic Salmon Federation.
For the past fifty years Reneson has paintied many subjects including wildlife, duck hunting, upland bird shooting, big game fishing, fly fishing, and Bahamian scenes. Among his Artist heroes are Homer, Cezanne, Wyeth, Hopper and van Gogh.